BEEniagara Business Network & Directory

Contact: Carolyn Shannon
Work 4416 Morrison St. Niagara Falls Ontario L2E 2B3 Canada Phone: 905-371-3818
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Business Profile

BEEniagara is a BUZZIN’ Community of Businesses that LOVE to support and share their expertise for the GOOD of the Hive.

Besides promoting members via an Online & Print Directory we meet for a Lunch & Learn the 2nd WEDNESDAY of each month at JJ Kapps St. Catharines.

Instead of Lunch we have an EVENING Event called Banners Ahoy in May & October from 6:15 ~ 8:30 pm. Admission included food, 2 presentations & lots of networking.


Featured Community Builder

Featured Community Partner

In Support Of:

The Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce

Niagara Nightlife Categories

Below is a list of categories available through our Nightlife Guide. 

Please click here to add your business to our listings.