Claim Your Business

Claim Your Business

Ah, the joys of operating an online business directory. Adding businesses, removing out-of-date listings, the list goes on. It’s been a joy and pain for the past 20 years, and it still goes on. Of course, 20 years ago the technology was different. Now we have...
Fail Like a Baby

Fail Like a Baby

The vast majority of babies figure out how to walk. They crawl around a lot before they start walking. They grab onto furniture to steady themselves. In the process they fall. A lot. But they keep trying and eventually master the skill of balancing and propelling...
Welcoming the Eco-Defenders

Welcoming the Eco-Defenders

Every event you attend creates waste. Lots of waste. Some of it’s recyclable. Some of it is compostable. Some of it is destined for the landfill, but all too often everything’s mixed together and just thrown out. The Eco-Defenders are a volunteer...
Welcoming BPW Niagara

Welcoming BPW Niagara

The Business and Professional Women’s Clubs of Ontario is an equality-seeking group working toward the improvement of economic, political, employment, and social conditions for women. BPW Niagara holds monthly dinner meetings to help members stay informed on...
The Day I Wanted to Die

The Day I Wanted to Die

Many Mondays ago, my house was full of people. Employees, my sales manager, my best friend visiting from out of town, and my wife. All these people were oblivious to the most pressing thing going on in my head, which was that I wanted to die. I’d been having...