I’m interested in mental health issues. Probably because I’ve had them. More likely because I’m still going through them. I suppose we all are suffering to some degree (how Buddhist!), especially during the Covid restrictions. I heard something that some people might find helpful so I thought I’d share it here.

I listened to an interview last Friday on CBC Radio. The show was The Current. Host Matt Galloway was speaking with Angie Elliot who had experienced a serious mental health crisis. If you’re interested in the episode, click here for the transcript. Ms. Elliot explained that she had received some treatment at CAMH (The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto) and that they had provided her with some simple strategies to help deal with mental health issues that arise.

I couldn’t remember them, so am thankful to the CBC for posting the transcript of the show. Google searches didn’t help me find these either, so I’m guessing they’re simply not posted by CAMH or anyone else.

Some of the advice Ms. Elliot received from CAMH were the Four S’:




Something specific to do each and every day”

Sometimes life feels completely overwhelming. Having a simple daily routine can help. I’m no mental health expert, but I just thought I’d share something I thought might be useful.

If you need mental health assistance in Niagara, you can find some of the Niagara Region mental health service offerings.