Don’t you just hate a good idea that you just can’t get out of your head?

Sometimes, that’s a good thing, I think. It’s probably the main reason The Niagara Guide is still here, while most other online directories in Niagara have gone by the wayside over the past two decades.

A few weeks ago, I started thinking about The Niagara Guide platform, and how I really hadn’t gotten it to its full potential. Dang.

Then, I had a couple of different people ask me whether The Niagara Guide was for sale. Those conversations got me thinking, leading to more ideas. Double dang.

Then I had a chat with some younglings (I’m 55 – everyone under 30 is a youngling), and they gave me even more ideas. Triple dang.

Within weeks, my mindset shifted. There are ideas that I want to explore. Ways of serving the community need to be investigated.

I don’t know what the next steps are going to look like, but there will be more steps. My journey with The Niagara Guide is not yet complete. I thank you for walking with me to see what’s beyond the horizon.