It’s been a busy time.  The first week of 2019 has seen us add dozens of business listings to the directory. One of the other things we’ve been working on is working on updating our Niagara event calendars. If you haven’t seen them, please check them out.

You can see all Niagara events here:

Arts, Music & Theatre events here:

Business events here:

Community events here:

Bands, Concerts & Comedy events here:

Add Your Events

These events calendars are open to everyone. We’ll post events as long as they fit our criteria. Pretty much everything does. Here’s a list of things we DON’T accept:

  • Events outside Niagara
  • Announcements about retail, B2B, or garage sales (fundraising sales are fine)

To add an event, please contact us with the relevant details:

  • Date, Start Time, End Time
  • Event Name & Description
  • Event Venue and Address
  • Cost (if any)
  • An image if you have one
  • A link to a Facebook event (if any)

The goal is to provide a calendar that covers all facets of living, working, and playing in Niagara. I hope for your help in keeping our calendars up to date!