Aleks Iankoulov – Mortgage Alliance
Business Profile
I can find the perfect mortgage for you whether you are a first-time home buyer or a seasoned real estate investor. Mortgage Alliance is the most recognized and trusted mortgage brokerage in Canada and as a Mortgage Alliance professional, I have the expertise to get the Right Mortgage for your immediate and future needs. I work for you, not the banks, and provide unbiased guidance in your mortgage decision.
We work with over 60 lenders (some offered exclusively through brokers) so you have the choice, convenience, and great counsel that you deserve when you work with an experienced Mortgage Agent with a passion for client education and satisfaction.
About Me
I graduated from Brock University with a degree in Economics & Data Analysis and began working in the industry soon after. I have a passion for Data Analytics in my free time.
Niagara Health Categories
Below is a list of categories available through our Health Guide. Please click here to add your business to our listings.
- Acupuncture
- Bach Flower Remedies
- Breathing Consultants
- Chiropodists and Orthotics
- Chiropractors
- Counseling Services
- CPAP Sales and Service
- Dental Hygienist
- Dentists
- Drug Stores / Pharmacies
- Feldenkrais
- Fitness Training
- Health & Wellness Centres / Clinics
- Health Food Retailers
- Hearing Aids
- Heilkunst
- Home Care Services
- Hypnosis
- Independent Health Product Distributors
- Ion Detox
- Iridologists
- Massage - Registered Massage Therapists
- Massage - Relaxation & Aromatherapy
- Mastectomy Products
- Music Therapy
- Naturopaths
- Nutritional Counseling
- Optometrists
- Osteopathy
- Personal Growth and Development
- Pilates
- Prescription Eyewear
- Psychologists
- Psychotherapy
- Reflexologists
- Reiki - Practitioners
- Respite Care Providers
- Weight Loss
- Yoga Studios & Instruction