Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Here’s hoping for a better year for us all. The majority of us have never been through a pandemic before and the past couple of years have been tough. Hopefully we will be able to resume more normal lives. But then, what? What will you do, once the...
Births, Deaths, and Food Insecurity

Births, Deaths, and Food Insecurity

When I was a kid and someone we knew died, shortly after receiving the news mom would head to the kitchen. She’d make a meal of some sort for the family who’d suffered the loss. It would usually be something that could be frozen, like a casserole or...
Why You Need a Good Enemy

Why You Need a Good Enemy

A well-defined enemy is one of the best things you can hope for in life. You need a good enemy to bring out your best. Without one, you’ll live a more comfortable but more mediocre life. What’s an enemy? Someone or something that poses a threat to you,...
Four S’ that Can Help with Mental Health

Four S’ that Can Help with Mental Health

I’m interested in mental health issues. Probably because I’ve had them. More likely because I’m still going through them. I suppose we all are suffering to some degree (how Buddhist!), especially during the Covid restrictions. I heard something that...
Do You Think Like Me?

Do You Think Like Me?

I wonder what other people are thinking. A lot. Probably more than I should. I don’t particularly care whether they’re thinking about me. Chances are when I observe other people they’re not even aware of me. It’s just that I’m aware of...