Four S’ that Can Help with Mental Health

Four S’ that Can Help with Mental Health

I’m interested in mental health issues. Probably because I’ve had them. More likely because I’m still going through them. I suppose we all are suffering to some degree (how Buddhist!), especially during the Covid restrictions. I heard something that...
Do You Think Like Me?

Do You Think Like Me?

I wonder what other people are thinking. A lot. Probably more than I should. I don’t particularly care whether they’re thinking about me. Chances are when I observe other people they’re not even aware of me. It’s just that I’m aware of...
The Destructive Force of Freedom

The Destructive Force of Freedom

Marketers know that one of the most powerful words is “free”. “FREE CONSULTATION” “FREE DOWNLOAD” “FREE TRIAL” Companies know they’ll get more uptake from prospects when something’s free. What I wonder though...
Why Wouldn’t You Just Order From Amazon?

Why Wouldn’t You Just Order From Amazon?

My small business works with other small businesses. Mostly local ones. You know who cares about small businesses? Mostly small business owners. I’m largely convinced that the “average” person cares mostly about themselves and that the plight of...
The Cult of Free Shipping

The Cult of Free Shipping

We have changed many of our behaviours as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. One change many of us have made is to switch to online shopping. With so many companies offering free delivery, what’s not to love about online shopping? Well, when you stop to think...