Marketers know that one of the most powerful words is “free”. “FREE CONSULTATION” “FREE DOWNLOAD” “FREE TRIAL” Companies know they’ll get more uptake from prospects when something’s free. What I wonder though...
My small business works with other small businesses. Mostly local ones. You know who cares about small businesses? Mostly small business owners. I’m largely convinced that the “average” person cares mostly about themselves and that the plight of...
We have changed many of our behaviours as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. One change many of us have made is to switch to online shopping. With so many companies offering free delivery, what’s not to love about online shopping? Well, when you stop to think...
With a vaccine for Covid-19 on its way to us, I’m wondering what comes next. Dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic has been an immense global challenge. Having an effective vaccine will be a game-changer, but what else is going to change as a result? Haves vs....
As a child, I never questioned where Christmas came from. Santa Claus delivered presents sometime in the wee hours between Christmas eve and Christmas day. That was the important bit, plus of course the massive family get-togethers with far more food than anyone could...
Nothing is perfect. Nobody is perfect. You’re not perfect, and you will never be. The people you love aren’t perfect, and will never be. The job you have isn’t perfect. And in reality, nothing in our world is perfect. So, with grace, love, and...