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Niagara Windows

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Work 52 Vine St. S. St. Catharines Phone: 289-302-5655

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Niagara Homeowner Resource Articles

Aluminum Wiring Paranoia

Aluminum Wiring Paranoia

This article has been provided by Datawise Solutions ElectricalI can always tell when home sales are up or insurance policies are due; I get calls for aluminum (AL) wire inspections.  One of the most important things during my aluminum wire inspection is...

Myths and Realities about Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters

Myths and Realities about Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters

This article has been provided by Datawise Solutions Electrical. GFCIs (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) are required across Canada in different areas of homes and businesses. I could write a whole article about the building code requirements...