There are days I hate my brain. I see something and wonder “why?”. That darn question will stick with me like poop on a boot until one day I get sick of the thought rattling around and I look for the answer. I was talking with an electrician friend of mine...
To say I “stumbled” across these the other day would be a lie. They’ve been sitting at the bottom of my sock drawer for years. While doing a purge of my worn out and holey socks, I decided to clear them out. Now they sit on my desk while I ponder...
For people who have been here before, you might notice a few changes. For everyone else who hasn’t been here before, welcome to the new Niagara Guide 🙂 It’s not much to look at right now, but it’ll change soon enough. There were lots of things that...
I was chatting with my friend Dave and said I’d been getting on the bike more. He whimsically suggested we go for a ride. Of course, I said “Yeah, we should”. That set the wheels in motion for a visit from Dave and his wife Vanessa. Dave grew up in Fonthill but...
Most people consider death to be permanent. That’s one reason we consider it so important when someone dies. When it comes to statistics though, a focus on death is often not the most helpful when it comes to understanding the full impact of things that lead to...
Ontario saw its first Covid-19 case on January 22, 2020. March 17 was when the government called a state of emergency and within short order, schools, places of worship, bars & restaurants, and non-essential businesses were shut down. It’s been a challenging...